爱尔兰的地理性域名 .irish 全面开放注册了!如果你还不熟爱尔兰这个地方,请读 Louis MacNeice 所写的诗 “Dublin”:
This never was my town,
I was not born or bred
Nor schooled here and she will not
Have me alive or dead
But yet she holds my mind
With her seedy elegance,
With her gentle veils of rain
And all her ghosts that walk
And all that hide behind
Her Georgian facades –
The catcalls and the pain,
The glamour of her squalor,
The bravado of her talk.
读完这首诗,如果你也觉得爱尔兰盘据了你的心,那就注册一个 .irish 吧。
A费率的用户注册一年的费用为 272元。
Tagged in .irish域名