Every month, we send you this digest of our recently published articles. Happy reading!

The Latest Gandi News:

1. [DOMAIN] Price increase on .com

2. [CLOUD] Greater flexibility in VPS storage

3. [TUTORIAL] How to share your domain name without sharing your login

4. [DOMAIN] Expanded eligibility to register .eu domains

5. [SSL] Export your SSL cetificate list

6. [RELEASE NOTE ] What’s new in our customer interface?

7. Promo roundup

It’s thanks to your keen observations and feedback that we’re able to improve, so please feel free to contact us. We really do read each and every one of your emails. If you’re happy with Gandi’s services, help support spread the word about us by leaving a review at Hostadvice.com and Trustpilot.com. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

1. DOMAIN: Price increase on .com

Verisign, the registry for .com, has notified Gandi of a price increase on the registration of .com domain names starting August 31, 2021 at 9:00 PM Pacific (September 1, 2021 at 4:00 UTC). We strongly encourage you to renew your domains before August 31, 2021 to benefit from the current price for the longest period possible.

Renew your .com domain names

2. CLOUD: Greater flexibility in VPS storage

Every GandiCloud VPS server comes with a volume with 25 GB of storage. For increased flexibility, it’s also possible to increase the size of this volume, and even to create new volumes and attach them to your servers.

Update your VPS volumes

4. DOMAIN: Expanded eligibility to register .eu domains

Good news! Starting August 2, 2021, .eu opens up to Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. Citizens of these countries, regardless of their country of residence, can now register a .eu domain name!

Register a .eu

5. SSL: Export your SSL certificate list

Do you manage a large portfolio of SSL certificates? You can now export the list of SSL certificates from your account, create reports, plan budgets, and determine which subdomains are covered by which certificates using our SSL export feature.
Export my SSL certificates

6. RELEASE NOTE: What’s new in our customer interface?

Quickly learn about the latest improvements, corrections, and implementation of new features to improve your experience in our latest release note. This month:

  • Filter domains by linked zone
  • A new, simplified page for managing email mailboxes and forwarding
  • A new icon to quickly tell which domains can and cannot be protected against transfers
  • A new interface for configuration templates that enables you to see the essential information at a glance
  • Several bug fixes

Read more about these updates

7. Promo roundup

Last chance!

Ending September 30:

Promos running through the end of the year:

You can find all our promos in the promos section of our site.