Launched in 2014, .help has carried on well since then, with 15,000 domains registered to date.
And there’s plenty to indicate that .help has its best days ahead of it, given the many various uses for a domain as versatile as .help.
Whether it be used as a redirection to support documentation, or to a page where you can get actual support ( for example), or even a humantarian organization (like, a Swedish organization that helps refugees in Kurdistan), .help domains have been adapted to numerous uses by various companies and non-profits. Some have pushed the creative uses for .help even further with, for example,!
At Gandi, we’ve even gotten in on the game by registering, obviously,, to help our customers more quickly contact our Customer care team to ask for help.
And because everyone could use a little .help from time to time, for the next two months, we’re selling the first year of your .help domain at half price. That’s $19.19* for the first year (and $38.38* after that) of your .help from December 1 through January 31, 2019.
Need .help? Search for yours here:
*Prices in USD. See .help page for local pricing.
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