All about domain name renewals
If you want to keep your domain name, you’ll have to renew it. We’re here to answer all your questions about domain renewals. Find what you need to know here.
If you want to keep your domain name, you’ll have to renew it. We’re here to answer all your questions about domain renewals. Find what you need to know here.
Today’s generation of static website generators are no longer for making simple websites, but add security and performance to your “dynamic” website.
What is a website? What is it used for? And do you really need one? Read on to find out.
An effective landing page needs a layout, a way to implement it, clear, concise copy, and ongoing evaluation—all with the goal of driving visitors to your CTA.
Learn the difference between shared and dedicated IP addresses when it comes to hosting.
Not all SSL certificates are the same. Usually, you can trust the lock icon to tell you a website is secure, but sometimes you need to check the CA. Here’s how.
Starting June 1, 2022, .ong and .ngo domain names will be sold separately.
Many alternatives to email have arisen in the past few years, but have they successfully killed off email?
Ever wondered what happens when you enter a URL in your browser? The answer could help you launch a website, or understand what’s wrong with a broken one.
Google offers a suite of apps including file sharing and custom email. Recent policy changes have highlighted the precarity of relying on Google.
Properly functioning DNS is essential for your website, your email, or other services related to your domain name to function. None of it is possible if you don’t have control over your DNS.
The low rate of female representation in tech is due, in large part, to popular myths that are still too solidly embedded in our minds.