Improvements to server setup scripts
We’ve published version 2.27 of gandi-hosting-vm2, the package that contains our server setup scripts.
The new version includes a number of improvements, especially for servers using only IPV6, as well as a few bug fixes and some code to integrate with our new datacenter in Paris, FR-SD3.
As a result, clients should note slightly faster boot times in IPV6-only servers and improved stability.
The package also contains a script that makes it easy to prepare the migration of servers from our HVM platform to our revamped Xen platform, which offer various performance and stability improvements. Check out our recent announcement and follow the steps detailed in the documentation to learn how to move your servers to the Xen platform.
The new version will be available automatically on all new servers. On existing servers, make sure you update your package list before you install the new version of gandi-hosting-config2.
For example, as the ‘root’ user on Debian / Ubuntu :
$ [sudo] apt-get update
$ [sudo] apt-get install --only-upgrade gandi-hosting-vm2
You can refer to the changelog for more detailed information.
Please contact our Customer care hosting team if you have any questions or experience any problems.
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