It’s been some time since we gave you an update on our Public v5 API beta and we’ve been very busy working on it. While it’s still in Beta (more on that below), if you haven’t been checking in on it regularly, we’ve significantly fleshed it out and improved both the API itself and its documentation.

Find out more below.

What’s this API?

When we introduced Gandi v5 in 2018, we weren’t just unveiling a new interface design, but a whole new platform for domain name management. Our approach was to introduce a minimum viable product first, and develop advanced features over time.

The public API beta has been a long term project stemming from this complete overhaul that offers powerful tools and greater flexibility in using them than we’ve ever provided before.

So what’s new?

Today, we’re very happy to report that over the past year we’ve been working especially hard on this project, and we can confidently report that our public API beta coverage is now very good.

In particular, we now have methods that comprehensively cover the following services:

  • Domain API: these methods cover registration, renewal, transfer, and contact updates
  • LiveDNS API: these methods cover DNS zone file updates
  • Templates API: these methods cover the creation of configuration templates that can be applied in bulk to domain names or at the point of purchase
  • Email API: these methods apply to the creation and management of email mailboxes with Gandi’s GandiMail service (including 2 free mailboxes with 3 GB of storage per domain name)
  • Organizations API: these methods cover managing users and permissions
  • Billing API: these methods relate to payment, including automatic crediting and prepaid account balance
  • Certificates API: these methods cover the creation and management of SSL certificates
  • Simple hosting API: these methods relate to managing Simple hosting applications, instances, and vhosts

Read our API documentation for more information about coverage

For a more fine-tuned picture of recent changes and updates, we recommend our changelog.

What’s next?

We’ve made great progress on our public API and there are still plenty of exciting updates to look forward to.

Getting out of beta

While the existing methods in our public API are all 100% safe to use, we’re keeping it in Beta until we can ensure even better coverage. What does exist, though, is completely usable in production environments. In addition to adding more methods, keeping it in beta gives us the opportunity to continue making minor changes to existing methods.

Before taking the public API out of beta, though, there are still some updates we’d like to make. For starters, amongst other things, we want to make sure we extend our coverage further and ensure that existing signatures will not change, and add appendixes to the documentation (especially a list of extraparameters per TLD and a list of country codes) before we remove the “beta” tag.

Sandbox environment

Before the end of the year, we are also hoping to introduce a sandbox environment. This will enable API users to more effectively test applications that rely on our API by simulating production API responses and thus reducing the risk and cost of testing with live products and services.

Documentation improvements

Additionally, we hope to introduce improvements to our API documentation. In particular, we hope to add appendixes (one of the conditions mentioned above for getting it out of beta), and also providing use cases in our documentation.

Further improvements

The real fuel for our product improvements is the feedback and input of our customers. This isn’t lip service, but a serious commitment on our part to give you a direct line to our development teams. Your feedback is literally invaluable and a necesary part of our development process.

The public API is no exception to this general rule across all of Gandi’s products and we want your input!

The more feedback we get, the better API and documentation we can make, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

We’re also happy to provide you with help using our API with your specific project, just provide a quick description and few details about your project when you fill out the contact form on our help page:

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