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New regulations for Andorra’s ccTLD

New regulations for Andorra's ccTLD

As of May 22, 2024, new regulations will apply to .AD domain names, the ccTLD for the country of Andorra. Trademarks will no longer be required to register .AD domain names.

Up to now, in order to register a .AD domain name, you need to be the owner or be the exclusive licensee of a trademark registered in Andorra. Non-Andorran residents must be registered by an accredited agent at the Andorran Trademarks and Patents Office (Oficina de Marques i Patents del Principat d’Andora, OMPA). Domains .AD have  a minimum registration period of two years. 

Starting on May 22, the completion procedure with the OMPA will no longer be necessary. A transition period will enable Andorran and foreign trademark holders to obtain a domain name corresponding to their trademark. This transition period ends on October 22, 2024. 

At the end of the transition period, registering domains will be possible without a trademark registration

For more information about the new conditions for the .AD extension, whether you wish to register your trademark domain during the transition period or position yourself as soon as the extension is fully available to the public, please do not hesitate to contact your Account Manager or email us at

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