Corporate news

Protect your brand by subscribing to the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) 

When a dispute arises over the intellectual property regarding to a domain name, being registered in the centralized trademark database mandated by ICANN is crucial. Integrated into ICANN’s gTLD program, the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is a powerful tool for protecting the intellectual property rights associated to domain names. Trademarks are registered in a database after verification.

Deloitte has been appointed by ICANN to provide this verification service as part of the Trademark Clearinghouse.

Learn more about the Trademark Clearinghouse

Why register your trademark? 

Registering your trademark with the TMCH enables you to :

  • participate in the various Sunrises when new gTLDs are launched. During the recent launch of .music, for example, trademark holders registered with the TMCH were able to assert their priority over the domain names corresponding to their trademark.
  • be informed when a third party registers your trademark as a domain name in a new extension

From October 16 to November 24, 2024, TMCH registrations and renewals are subject to a 30% price reduction for a minimum 3-year commitment.

To take advantage of this offer, we encourage you to contact your Account Manager or the Gandi Corporate Services team.: