.ORG at 66% off?
The .ORG registry (PIR) is having an original and interesting promotion!
If you have a domain name in .COM and/or in .FR and while a .ORG is available, you can purchase it from Gandi at only a third of the regular price. This occasion is an excellent oppurtunity to protect your brand or name.
For example, let’s say you own the domain example.com and you see that example.org is available. You can then purchase example.org for 4 euros excl. VAT instead of 12 euros.
In order to benefit from this offer, you need to have purchased your .FR or .COM before June 1st 2010, and go to our new “My Promos” page in your billing section of our website at https://www.gandi.net/admin/billing If you are eligible, you will see a coupon that you can use when you proceed to checkout with your order.
This promotion goes until August 29th, 2010.
Tagged in .orgDomain namesPromotions