Now .store is entering the Sunrise phase

A store can be many things: hangout spot, a weekend job, a side-business, or a way of life. Or maybe you just want a place to store a few things. In any case, a .store domain can be any and all of these things for you now that this extension is entering the Sunrise phase on April 6, 2016 at 9:00 AM PDT.

You can get a .store domain if you have a TMCH registration during this phase until June 5, 2016 for $846.90 first year. Then, between June 12 and June 14, 2016, .store enters the Landrush phase, when it will be available for $342.90 for first year before .store finally enters the GoLive phase on June 14, 2016 at 9:00 AM PDT, at which point the normal price becomes $76.95 per year at A rates.

BUT, luckily for you, you are in .store for a price of just $14.99 per year until August 14, 2016. That means that you can pre-register a .store domain right now and take advantage of this deal, or register normally after the GoLive phase starts up until August 14.

What’s in .store for your future?
