.shop opens shop
The doors are open to brand and trademark owners to register a .shop domain in the Sunrise phase today, June 30, 2016 as of 8:00 AM PDT. Domains can be purchased in the Sunrise phase for $1050.74 per year at A rates until August 30, 2016.
Then, for four days only, from September 22 until 26 at 8:00 AM, you have a chance to snatch up a .shop domain for $174.60 in the Landrush phase, and take it off the shelf for possible competition once .shop enters GoLive.
Finally, on September 26, also at 8:00 AM PDT, .shop becomes available to all in the GoLive phase for just $45.95 per year at A rates. Even if you don’t have a trademark registered with TMCH, you can still nonetheless pre-register a domain in the GoLive phase while the Sunrise and Landrush phases are ongoing.
So whether you have a Pop-up or a Mom-and-Pop, now’s the time to get your .shop.
Get a .shop?
Tagged in .shopDomain names