Sunrise: .online

We probably don’t need to tell you that we feel the one place chock-full of raw potential, new thoughts, and continuous invention is the online world, and .online aims to create a space on the web for those looking to set up their presence in this exciting space. That goes for you whether you are a high-powered financier, an awkward adolescent, a huge multi-national corporation, or a tiny country school, from creators to searchers to educators and everyone else.

Remember, the Sunrise phase is for TMCH-registered trademark holders. Contact our corporate support team if you have a TMCH-registered trademark (or would like help registering your existing trademark at TMCH) in order to register one of these new gTLDs during Sunrise. If you are not among the trademarked, you can still pre-register for the Landrush or GoLive phases. We’ll submit your order at the earliest possible moment – as soon as your chosen phase begins – for the best chance of success.

Domains in the .online extension will be available in Sunrise for $216.19, in Landrush for $189.19, and in GoLive for $51.67, all for a one-year registration at A rates.

Register a .online?
