Pale, blue .earth enters the Sunrise phase

Queue Strauss’s Also sprach Zarathustra because … this Wednesday September 23, 2015 … … enters a new era: the Sunrise phase. And the Sunrise is always beautiful over .earth.

This extension is especially for any Earthling, Star Child, or members of the galactic Earth diaspora with direct or indirect links to Earth’s citizens, cultures, or its languages. In the Sunrise phase, domains will be available for $250.39 per year.

The Sunrise phase is for TMCH-registered trademark holders. Contact our corporate support team if you have a TMCH-registered trademark (or would like help registering your existing trademark at TMCH) in order to register one of these new gTLDs during Sunrise. If you are not among the trademarked, you can still pre-register for the GoLive phase which begins Thursday November 19, 2015, at which point domains will be available for just $31.15. There will be no Landrush phase for .earth. We hope that’s because the land belongs to us all?

In any case, don’t miss your chance. There’s only one .earth.

Register a .earth?



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