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Feeling cramped? There’s more .space at Gandi

Seems like there’s never enough .space. There’s never enough personal space on a crowded bus or train, living space in cities like San Francisco, disk space on a hard drive or server space in the “cloud”.

And yet somehow, there’s always more space. There’s the empty train behind the crowded one, there’s Walnut Creek across the bay on the other side of the hills from San Francisco, there’s the new eleventy terabyte hard drive, and “unlimited” server space.

With domains it’s the same story: all the cool .coms and .nets are taken and new gTLDs can be pricey. But there’s always more .space somewhere: from now until December 2nd at 4:00 PM PST, .space domains provide that much needed domain space for just 99¢. Not even a whole dollar.

So why be a sardine in a crowded tin can?

Register a .space:


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