A Very Important Sunrise phase: .vip

Please, please, behind the velvet ropes.

Back up, back up. We’ve got a very important TLD coming through: .vip. Today it enters the Sunrise phase, which will last until 4:59 PM PDT on May 8, 2016. This TLD is obviously VIP-only, the Sunrise phase is really for the top crust. Domains in this extension will sell for $1078.74 per year, and you’ll have to show us your SMD file (from TMCH) to prove you’re VIP enough to own the trademark on it.

There won’t be any Landrush phase for this TLD, but it will enter the GoLive phase at 9:00 AM PDT on May 23, 2016, when the doors will open to all VIPs for just $38.65 per year at A rates.

Are you a .vip?


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