Updates and releases

Introducing Chinese gTLDs .公司 and .网络

The gTLDs .com and .net, short for “company” and “network”, respectively, are internationally recognized as perhaps the most iconic gTLDs and form the core of the “classic” gTLD set.

While  .公司 (.xn--55qx5d, Chinese for “company”) and .网络 (.xn--io0a7i, Chinese for “network”) officially opened a couple of years ago, we were not able to offer them immediately upon their release.

However, that’s now changed and we are happy to announce that these two TLDs are now available to purchase at Gandi.

Now you can buy a .公司 for $50.74 USD per year at A rates or a .网络 for $50.74 USD per year at A rates, or 1585 TWD (w/t tax) for either, whether it’s just to get in on the burgeoning Chinese-language internet or to translate, so to speak, your .com and .net into Chinese.

These extensions come with a few conditions, though. Notably, if you are registering a domain for your company (which would make sense for a .公司), you must send a copy of your organization’s registration certificate. If you’re registering as an individual, you need to send a legal photo ID. In both cases, the documents you provide have to match the information you put on your Gandi handle exactly. So be precise.

For full details on these rules and how to send these documents to us, please see the following pages:

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:

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