Updates and releases

Renew your .club for less

A club is a great way for people to come together around a common interest or a common cause. That’s because you can get more benefits as a group than all alone.

In that light, we have some good news for .club members out there this month. From November 1 through 30, .club renewals are on sale from between 1/3 off to almost 1/2 half, depending on your rate scale:

A rates: $9.00 per year instead of $13.43*
B rates: $8.41 per year instead of $12.84*
C rates: $7.70 per year instead of $12.13*
D rates: $6.43 per year instead of $10.86*
E rates: $5.12 per year instead of $9.55*

So now the time for your club to take advantage of these great rates this month and renew. Remember: your .club domain doesn’t have to be expiring this month to benefit from this promotion. Renew it now and your .club registration will be extended an additional year.**

Renew your .club?

*Prices in USD. See .club pricing for local pricing
Maximum registration period is 10 years