Updates and releases

Changes in Gandi’s Private Domain Registration

As we continue to adjust to the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), we’ve updated our “Private Registration” feature. This feature is now active by default and hides your data in Gandi’s public Whois (except for your country, your anonymized email address and your organization name, if applicable.

Beyond that, we will also no longer replace your contact information with Gandi’s contact information and this will no longer be sent to the registry. Your personal information will instead be replaced by the phrase “REDACTED FOR PRIVACY.” In our Whois, all of your data will be hidden, including first and last name, except for country and, organization name when applicable.

If you activated Private domain registration before July 9, 2018, you won’t notice any change. The registry will continue to use this same registration information so long as you don’t update your contact information with Gandi.

If, on the other hand, you would like to display your contact information in the Whois, it is now possible to deactivate Private domain registration from your Gandi account. By deactivating Private domain registration, you consent to have your contact information published in the public Whois database. You may rescind this consent at any moment by reactivating the Private registration option.

To manage these settings for your domains, go to the Control panel in your account, then to Domains, then to your domain, and click on the “Contacts” tab.

Please note that Private domain registration does not apply to the TLDs listed below, where your contact information is protected directly by the registry. In this case, Gandi publishes the whois entry as listed by the registry. For these TLDs, then, you’ll need to contact our Customer Care team in order to show your contact information in the whois:

.se, .nu, .uk, .eu, .be, .fr, .re, .pm, .tf, .wf, .yt, .at, .ie, .pt,    .pl, .vg, .gd, .nz, .no, .lv, .ro, .ru, .af, .cx, .gs, .gy, .ht, .hn,    .ki, .kn, .sb, .tl, .kn, .ms, .nf, .lt, .de, .at, .sk, .la, .pw, .fm,    .radio.fm, .radio.am, eu.com, uk.com, gb.net, uk.net, cn.com, jpn.com,  sa.com, us.com, br.com, ru.com, za.com, de.com, se.net, ae.org, gr.com,  us.org, com.de, jp.net, hu.net, in.net, co.com

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