The Gandi Community

Gandi supports Zeste de Savoir

Two hands clasping in mutual support in front of a white circle on a pink background with the words "Gandi Supports" superimposed

Who is Zeste de Savoir?

Zeste de Savoir, whose name means “Zest for Knowledge,” is a non-profit organization created April 19, 2014. The goal of the organization is to promote self-education and knowledge sharing through free educational materials — preferably under free license.

Its founding members are all former active members at “Site du Zéro“, a site dedicated to spreading knowledge and mutual support.

After a policy change, they decided to create a new platform and so they created the site (link in French) in 2014. The organization is the legal structure supporting the site.

Zeste de Savoir also participates in events like HitchHack, PyConFR and even Capitole du Libre and organizes educational workshops like “Zeste de Code, seedless programming.”

The Zeste de Savoir site

Zeste de Savoir is a site for knowledge sharing and mutual support that offers educational content on IT, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. All subjects are covered!

On the website, you can find a library composed of articles and tutorials, a collection of member-written articles as well as support forums. All of this content is public and the majority of it can be downloaded in HTML, PDF, EPUB, LaTex, and Markdown format for offline reading.

All subscribed members are free to write and publish content, the site’s team checks each article or tutorial submitted for quality.

The information presented on Zeste de Savoir is available for free, without ads. No membership in the association is required in order to enjoy all the features of the site, just a simple free sign-up on the site is enough. The platform’s source code is open and anyone can freely contribute to it.

Gandi supports Zeste de Savoir

With discussions and conversations going back and forth between Gandi and Zeste de Savoir for years, we’ve always wanted to help this French organization that in turn helps educate web users, regardless of their level of knowledge.

As such, for some time now, Gandi has provided hosting resources to the organization in order to help them manage their infrastructure. Let’s not forget that the Zeste de Savoir site is entirely maintained by volunteers and that the only source of income for the organization is its membership fees (there are no ads on the site).

Membership in the organization, which costs €25, lets you engage concretely with the project and participate financially in its activities as well as ensuring the continuity of the site. Special waivers may be provided to anyone who has difficulty paying the membership fee. Members participate in an annual General Assembly that, notably, elects the Administrative Council.

If you use the educational resources from the Zeste de Savoir website and you also want to support them, feel free to become a member!

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