Verisign, the registry for .com, has notified Gandi of a price increase on the registration of .com domain names starting August 31, 2021 at 9:00 PM Pacific (September 1, 2021 at 4:00 UTC).
We are aware that this price increase may have a negative impact on you. Unfortunately, due to the increase in costs, Gandi has no option but to carry this price increase into our pricing. We encourage you to read this article from our blog that outlines the real price of a domain name and what it includes.
The price of .com at Gandi
Therefore, we’ll be carrying over this price increase in our pricing grid. You can find the new prices for new domain creations, renewals, transfers, and restorations of .com domain names starting August 31, 2021 at 9:00 PM Pacific (September 1, 2021 at 4:00 UTC) in Grid A.
- Create: $16.59* (current price $15.50*)
- Renewal: $16.59* (current price $15.50*)
- Transfer: $13.38* (current price $12.50*)
- Restore: $139.10* (current price $130.00*)
More price increases to come on .com?
The domain name industry may see further price increases in .com domains in the coming years: besides this year’s price increase, Verisign has been permitted to increase .com prices up to 7% in 2022 and 2023 as well as between 2026 to 2029.
We strongly encourage you to renew your domain names for the maximum renewal period before August 31, 2021 in order to benefit from the current price for the longest time frame.
If you’ve registered your domain name for 1 year, you can renew it for an additional 9 years.
Tagged in .comNom de domaine