Starting 22 August 2021 10h00 (Paris) until 31 December 2021 10h59 (Paris), register your .paris domain name for just $33.00* for the first year. This promotion is limited to the first 500 registrations, so don’t waste a minute and register the perfect .paris domain name for your website now!
See the complete price list for .paris on our dedicated information page.
Why register a .paris domain name?
Have you ever dreamed of living in Paris? To wake up with the morning sun and breathe in the aroma of freshly baked baguette, then take a sip of your espresso at the corner café before going to work. Live your dream with .paris!
Domain names that end in .paris are open to anyone with a link — however close or distant — with the city of Paris. Whether you’re looking to write a blog to share your thoughts on Parisian fashion and lifestyles, or cultivate the online image of your brand or your business by associating it with this captivating city, or launch a Parisian business or brand, .paris was made for you!
This promo is only available on the first 500 registrations, so don’t wait! Register your .paris domain name before someone else does!
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