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Ubuntu 22.04 is available on GandiCloud VPS

An illustration of a server stack floating on a purple background with stars. A laptop and a smartphone are floating nearby along an orbital path around the server stack.

We are happy to announce that Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, aka Jammy Jellyfish, is now available on GandiCloud VPS.
Maintenance updates will be provided by Ubuntu for 5 years, until April 2027.

Version of some software components used by Ubuntu 22.04

  • Kernel v5.15 (LTS release)
  • systemd v249.11
  • cloud-init 22.1
  • GCC 11.2.0, binutils 2.38, glib 2.35
  • LLVM 14
  • Python 3.10.4
  • golang 1.18.x
  • rustc 1.58
  • OpenJDK 18 (OpenJDK 11 still provided)
  • Ruby v3.0
  • OpenSSL 3.0

The detailed release notes are available here:

Start a Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine on GandiCloud VPS

As usual, it’s possible to easily start a Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine with a few clicks from our Web UI:

With this new Ubuntu release, GandiCloud VPS now provides six images as shown below:

ID NameStatus
c3f79fe8-d086-41fe-ae55-acb9b14b8970 Arch Linux active
8c222278-3347-4e30-88e1-eb47fc37d1e1Debian 10 Busteractive
1b82f155-164e-433c-b7aa-b8b351a3409aDebian 11 Bullseyeactive
deba9305-2e76-4bef-a9e3-d9d5f75731d7Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossaactive
42ee9a3c-1718-4551-87ce-8c17abb7b3adUbuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfishactive

Note: we added NixOS 21.11 in March 2022 and the latest NixOS release (22.05) is coming…

Happy Ubuntu 22.04 deploying!