The quarterly newsletter for keeping informed of all Hosting and Cloud news

Welcome to the latest edition of this special Hosting and Cloud newsletter! We can’t let you out for your summer vacation without a dose of news on the wonders and technologies of the Cloud 🙂

Essential info

Storage in GandiCloud VPS becomes more flexible

Every GandiCloud VPS server comes with a storage volume of 25GB. It is now possible to increase the size of this volume, it is even possible to create new volumes to associate with your servers.

Gandi likes it, Gandi shares it! 

Sovereign Cloud and personal rights

A “Sovereign Cloud”, we use to talk about it, we talk about it, and we will talk about it… The theme of the Sovereign Cloud has existed for a long time and has evolved over the years. The subject is not that simple and raises a lot of questions. This comprehensive article reviews this concept, its evolution and its opportunities.

WorkAdventure : coffee break with Zelda

WorkAdventure interface

With the rise of remote work, how do you foster interaction with your colleagues? Redeploy your offices in the cloud with WorkAdventure.This opensource tool allows you to set up “2D virtual offices” in which your avatar and your colleagues’ avatars interact and launch video calls/meetings. A gamification that doesn’t revolutionize remote work, but it is one of the little extras to help keep in touch.

Scaphandre, a monitoring agent for electrical consumption

The environmental impact of digital technology is a hot topic. Although it is far from being the only indicator, the monitoring of the electricity consumption of digital resources is still one of the issues that needs to be taken into account. Scaphandre is a monitoring agent dedicated to the measurement of final energy consumption (electricity). It is designed to be inserted into an existing monitoring chain. 

Project’s website:


The one trick that will change your life

Do you use the snapshot feature in Simple Hosting?

Snapshots create, well, a snapshot of all the files on your instance at regular intervals, which enables you to roll back to a previous version of your website if necessary.In the Administration tab, click the Activate Snapshots button.Once activated, we will create a total of 4 snapshots of your website files at specific moments:

  • A 1 Day snapshot, saved for 24 hours
  • A 2 Day snapshot, saved for 48 hours
  • A 1 Week snapshot, saved for 7 days
  • A 2 Week snapshot, saved for 14 days

NB : It creates a snapshot and do not constitute a backup. It does not exempt you from setting up a remote backup policy.


WordPress is the most used website creation solution in the world, and today it is available in just one click. Gandi, Réussir en .fr and AFNIC are partnering to provide a .fr domain name free for the first year with 50% off the first 12 months of hosting your website, and WordPress automatically installed.

Now’s the time to boost your online visibility

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