Gandi Mail Pack options
What is Gandi’s Mail Pack ?
When you purchase a domain name at Gandi, you get 5 free email mailboxes, 1,000 forwarding addresses, and an unlimited number of aliases with a combined total of 1GB of storage.
If you need more than that, you can subscribe to Gandi’s Mail Pack. for $1.30 excl. VAT per month (A rates). This subscription immediately grants you an unlimited number of mailboxes, additional storage space and additional features:
- Ability to use a wildcard in your alias addresses
- Access to an automatic out-of-office reply
For more details on setting up and using Gandi’s Mail Pack features, please see our Mail Pack wiki entry
If you already have several Mail Packs at Gandi, we have added a new page that lets you see them all at a glance (domain, expiration date, auto-renew status and a management link)
This was in high demand by our customers and so we hope that it will now help you manage your Mail Packs more easily!
Tagged in Domain names