The Gandi Community Updates and releases

Try Gandi Simple Hosting for Free!

So, you haven’t tried Gandi Simple Hosting yet? You want to try it, but you’re not convinced? Well, this your chance to check it out for free! Don’t miss it!

Starting today (Friday March 23rd), through until Sunday, March 25th at 11.59PM CET, we will give you a free month of Simple Hosting,  ‘Pack S’ on our new Cloud system running in PaaS mode. No subscription or commitment is required for this free trial.

We have a limited number of coupons for this offer to pass out. In order to get your coupon, just send an email to with the following subject: “Test Request”. Make sure to include your Gandi Handle in your email as well (if you want to create a Gandi handle, click here).

First come, first served!

Note that coupons will be sent out today and Monday, so if you don’t see it right away, don’t worry. …and please, don’t spam us: one coupon per customer 🙂