Updates and releases

Happy birthday to .online and .tech

Now that “Happy birthday” is public domain, we can sing “Happy birthday” to two jolly good TLDs with birthdays is this month: .online and .tech.

Here goes: Haappy biiirthdayy to youu, haappy biiirthdayy …

You know what? Forget it. It feels tacky. How about this instead? All month, to celebrate .online and .tech getting one year older, your first year creation of a .online or .tech TLD will be just $1.50* each (normally they’re $29.99 each). From August 1 through August 31.

That way we don’t have to strain your patience with our rendition of “Happy birthday,” (We know our limits).

Happy birthday:


*Prices in USD. Check local prices on the TLD price pages: .online, .tech

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