Now available: .PAGE domains
The new TLD .PAGE is launching Monday August 27 at 9:00 AM Pacific (16:00 UTC) in the Sunrise** phase.
During this phase, which ends October 2, the .page registry will process registrations of .page domains corresponding to registered trademarks***. Sunrise registrations of .page domains are $13.34* for the first year.
Next, from October 2 through October 9, 2018, .page will be in the Landrush phase. The Landrush phase is for securing desirable domains for a higher price than the regular price before the TLD becomes generally available when it enters the GoLive phase. For .page domains, within the Landrush phase itself, the price falls progressively each day until the full launch in GoLive. So on October 2, a .page domain in the Landrush phase will cost $10,122.28* for the first year, by October 9, if the domain is still left, it will be just $161.50* for the first year.
Finally, with the GoLive launch on October 9, 2018 at 9:00 AM Pacific (16:00 UTC), .page will enter into General Availability, meaning the price will drop to $15.64* per year, the price point it will remain from there on out, and Gandi will submit GoLive registrations submitted before the GoLive date to the .page registry. These registrations will then be awarded based on the availability of the domain in question on a first-come, first-served basis.
As is the case with many TLDs, certain domains that the .page registry has identified as having a significant value are available at a “Premium” rate, regardless of the release phase. If you think you have the domain of the century and it’s a Premium domain, you can get it in the Landrush phase for the Landrush price, plus the Premium price.
Please note that while .page domains are open to everyone, Charleston Road Registry (owned by Google), the registry for .page domains requires that all websites associated with a .page domain must be protected by SSL/TLS (which you can get both automatically and for free on a Simple Hosting instance).
Finally, we should mention that it’s possible to register a domain in the Landrush and GoLive phases now, even though .page is only in the Sunrise phase. In this case, your registration request will be held until the GoLive date when .page enters General Availability and then at exactly 9:00 AM Pacific (16:00 UTC), we will submit your registration to the registry, who will process the request on a first come, first served basis****.
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