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Both .makeup and .quest are now open to all

Now that the registry XYZ has purchased them, .makeup and .quest will be available to anyone and everyone starting December 1, 2020, and for a particularly attractive price starting March 2, 2021. Consider the possibilities these offer, but also remember to think about the cybersquatting threats they may pose.

Why should you register a .makeup or .quest?

Until now, interest in both .makeup and .quest has been limited by a couple of factors:

  • restrictive eligibitily requirements: .makeup was restricted to companies operating in the cosmetics industry, and .quest was limited to use by the previous registry
  • high cost of registration: .makeup in particular, which could cost several thousands of dollars

But these restriction, which also largely limited any threat of cybersquatting, will soon be ancient history. The registry XYZ, their new owner, announced the lifting of registration restrictions starting December 1 and set a more affordable price on these domains, opening up registration to anyone.

In order to help companies prevent any risk of cybersquatting, the registry has implemented the following launch phases:

  • A Landrush phase from December 1, 2020 (at 6:00 AM Pacific or 14:00 UTC) until February 5, 2021 (5:59 AM Pacific or 13:59 UTC) for companies that have a trademark for a price of $1062.43* for the first year
  • An Early Release Phase (EAP) starting February 10, 2020 (at 5:59 AM Pacific or 13:59 UTC) with prices falling each day starting at $10,066.93* for the first year on the first day (EAP1) down to $161.98*  by the seventh day (EAP7)
  • A GoLive phase starting March 2, 2021 (at 6:00 AM Pacific or 14:00 UTC), when new registrations will be charged at the regular annual price of $19.33* per year

Gandi Corporate Services’ advice

While .makeup and .quest have been on the market for several years, the new registration conditions (or lack thereof) and pricing implemented by the registry acquiring these two domains may have an impact on brand protection similar to a new launch, particularly with regards to .makeup. That’s why we would encourage companies in the cosmetics industry to register their domain names in the Landrush phase for businesses with a trademark, as well as prevent any risk of cybersquatting.

To learn more, please feel free to contact your Account Manager or to write to us at

*Prices listed in USD.

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