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End of registered trademark protection in Sunrise B on .xxx

Update: After multiple requests from domain name registrars to be able to ensure their customers’ protection, the ICM Registry has decided to implement a 45 day grace period with regards to the end of brand protection for registered trademarks on .xxx in Sunrise B. During this 45 day period, which starts December 2, 2021, it is possible to subscribe to AdultBlock or AdultBlock+ services based on your Sunrise B protection. At the end of this period, following a delay of 5 days, the .xxx domains initially blocked will become available on a first come, first served basis.

ICM Registry has notified Gandi that the block on .xxx domain name registration implemented in the Sunrise B phase in 2011 will expire on December 1, 2021. Concretely, five days following this date, registration of .xxx domain names using previously blocked trademarks and brand names will be available for registration on a first come, first served basis. This means these domain names will be potentially open to cybersquatting of a pornographic nature.

How can you continue to protect your brand name on .xxx?

If you want to maintain a defensive brand protection strategy, the only alternative offered by the registry is subscribing to the AdultBlock or AdultBlock+ before December 1, 2021:

  • The AdultBlock service only blocks a single, exact-match term.
  • The AdultBlock+ service blocks the exact-match domain name as well as automatically blocking derivative domain names, according to TMCH’s rules of conversion and all variations in languages and scripts supported by the Registry. You can check which variants are protected using this tool.

The advantage of these blocking services is that they offer protection on all domain endings in the adult entertainment niche, namely:

Subscribing to AdultBlock or AdultBlock+ guarantees optimal protection on these four domain endings for 1, 3, 5, or 10 years without having to register your brand with TMCH or register the domain names being blocked. Blocked domain names that are not registered but only made unavailable so that you can maintain anonymity as well as control over your brand image.

Gandi Corporate Services’ advice

When it comes to cybersquatting, pornographic cybersquatting is the most omnipresent threat, the consequences of which can have serious repercussions on your brand image. That’s why AdultBlock and AdultBlock+ are essential in any online brand protection strategy, especially since protected domain names don’t need to be renewed, ensuring that brand owners can rest easy.

From a financial point of view, since these services cover .adult, .porn, .sex, and .xxx, the cost of AdultBlock and AdultBlock+ is an advantage compared to defensively registering each domain name and its homoglyphs and other variants. And that’s without counting the costs related to resolving potential litigation.

We strongly recommend, then, that you sign up for one of these two blocking services. Our team is ready and available to help with any questions you might have, and happy to explain the terms and conditions of AdultBlock and AdultBlock+. Just reach out to us at