.XYZ is on sale!
Now you know your ABC… but you might want a .XYZ domain, only $3.99 per year.
Now you know your ABC… but you might want a .XYZ domain, only $3.99 per year.
Translate your company or network into Chinese with .公司 and .网络, now available at Gandi.
South Africans .DURBAN, .CAPETOWN and .JOBURG are on sale during 4 days.
Half-price on three show business TLDs from now through September: .live, .studio, .video
It’s Christmas in July, or Winter Holidays in July to be inclusive. Eight Radix TLDs are on promotion until December 31
Looking for a deal on a premium domain? Join the .club this July and get 25% off.
This July only, .eu domains are half-price. Get them while they last.
Studies show, .cat domains are only $5.00 a year this summer.
Football fans (or not), see our promo that follows the progress of your favourite national teams.
Until June 30, you can create a domain for less than a dollar at Radix!
But the main reason might be because .top renewals are half-price …
Just in time for Canada Day, Gandi accepts payments in Canadian Dollars and offers .CA domains 40% off.