Introducing Chinese gTLDs .公司 and .网络
Translate your company or network into Chinese with .公司 and .网络, now available at Gandi.
Translate your company or network into Chinese with .公司 and .网络, now available at Gandi.
South Africans .DURBAN, .CAPETOWN and .JOBURG are on sale during 4 days.
Half-price on three show business TLDs from now through September: .live, .studio, .video
It’s Christmas in July, or Winter Holidays in July to be inclusive. Eight Radix TLDs are on promotion until December 31
Looking for a deal on a premium domain? Join the .club this July and get 25% off.
This July only, .eu domains are half-price. Get them while they last.
Studies show, .cat domains are only $5.00 a year this summer.
Football fans (or not), see our promo that follows the progress of your favourite national teams.
Until June 30, you can create a domain for less than a dollar at Radix!
But the main reason might be because .top renewals are half-price …
Just in time for Canada Day, Gandi accepts payments in Canadian Dollars and offers .CA domains 40% off.
We foresee a .store in your future when .store goes on sale for just $14.99 when it enters the GoLive phase on June 14