The Gandi Community

Gandi Joins the Restore the 4th protest

As your registrar, Gandi has a special responsibility to watch out for your rights online.  While our charge is to give you a place to host your domain and content, we sometimes find  that the best way to do this is to join with others and advocate for political change.

We took a stand against SOPA, and a flawed CISPA, and we have been active in lobbying  for reform of ECPA and CFAA. It’s now time for another big action. Gandi is announcing it’s participation in the “Restore the 4th” protest against unconstitutional  surveillance, done in violation of the 4th amendment. We ask all of you who share the viewpoint that the government should be held to the constitutional  standard to please, take action with Gandi and the other participants like Mozilla, Reddit, and WordPress, and make your voice heard. See: Restore the Fourth