The Gandi Community

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS now available on Gandi Cloud

We are happy to announce the release of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) on Gandi Cloud.

New features

Xenial Xerus uses systemd for the init process and includes with several new features, including Snap, a new application packaging format that works alongside .deb. Many popular software packages have also been updated in this new release, such as PHP 7, MySQL 5.7 or docker 1.10.

Take a look at the official release notes to learn more about Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:

Server creation

You can create a new server on any of our 3 datacenters from our website, Gandi CLI or our API.

For example, with Gandi CLI, run the following command in your terminal to create your server :

  $ gandi vm create --image "Ubuntu 16.04 64 bits LTS (HVM)" --hostname "xenial" --datacenter LU-BI1

To upgrade an existing Ubuntu system, check out Ubuntu’s upgrade documentation.

If your current system is running on our legacy Xen platform, please read our documentation to learn how to migrate to HVM.

Built-in kernel and Docker support

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS servers will use the distribution’s built-in kernel, Linux 4.4, instead of using our managed kernels by default. Your server will start with the low latency version of the Linux kernel prepared by Ubuntu. It uses a grub boot from Gandi platform and uses the kernel installed in the image. The grub boot method is an option of our HVM platform.

We are therefore making Ubuntu 16.04 LTS the default image for the Gandi plugin to Docker Machine and are recommending it for Docker usage on our platform.

You can get started with and learn more about the docker-machine-gandi plugin on GitHub.

Enjoy the latest release of Ubuntu! Don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Care if you experience any issues. You can also hang out with Gandi staff and other customers on our IRC channel: #gandi on