Over the course of 2017 we’ve been slowly re-introducing the new versions of our core services in the new version of our site, #gandiv5, and throughout the process, rethinking our approach. This month marks something of a turning point, though.


  1. #gandiv5 Gets a New Dashboard
  2. Introducing the new Gandi Mail
  3. #gandiv5: Ready for takeoff
  4. Gandi Cloud: A more Xen future
  5. Improvements to server setup scripts
  6. Promo Roundup

While some products and features will be deployed on v5 in the weeks and months to come, we’ve changed gears into full upgrade mode. And this month especially has been packed with upgrades.

This month, we introduced a new and improved Dashboard in v5, overhauled our free Gandi Mail service (and purchasable enhancements) as we introduced it on the new site, took a look at what’s to come in the next few months, announced a change in direction regarding virtualization solutions as we continue to upgrade our datacenter infrastructure, and updated our server setup scripts in part to accommodate this infrastructure upgrade as well.

And while no new gTLDs are in the forecast this month, we’ll close out as always with the TLD Promo Roundup.

1. #gandiv5 Gets a New Dashboard

One upgrade as of late was the enhancement of #gandiv5 with a new dashboard that makes domain name and hosting management much simpler than the dashboard we initially released.

Most notably, a search bar has been added to search for domains and other products, and an option to display all products has also been added in order to provide more ready access to the management tools you need.

Learn all the details from our announcement.

2. Introducing the new Gandi Mail

As mentioned above, we also took the opportunity presented by re-working the Gandi Mail product to fit with our new site to rethink the structure of Gandi Mail altogether.

This year, we introduced a new Webmail service [link] and Sieve server rules along with that.

Now, the new and improved Gandi Mail includes at the free level, includes two mailboxes instead of five, but each of these can store up to 3 GB of data instead of the 1 GB global quota previously. We also introduced new options for upgarding your service.

Get acquainted with the new Gandi Mail by reading our write-up about it.

3. #gandiv5: Ready for takeoff

All of this upgrading, though, is really preparation for the final, full launch of #gandiv5. We’ll continue adding products and features of the course of the next few weeks and months, but #gandiv5 is getting ready for ignition.

We published a rough outline of how things will go from here on out, including when products only available on our legacy site will be deployed on v5.

Take a peak at what’s to come in our summary from this month.

4. Gandi Cloud: A more Xen future

The future is looking more Xen as we continue to upgrade our hosting infrastructure, particularly as it pertains to FR-SD3, our latest and greatest datacenter.

In the process of upgrading, we discovered that for various reasons, Xen made more sense for our virtualization solution than KVM. We took this insight and ran with it and now the future of hosting at Gandi, then, is looking a bit more Xen.

See what the future has in store and what that means for you.

5. Improvements to server setup scripts

Another improvement thanks in part to our new datacenter was the improvements we made to our server setup scripts.

Find out more about the improvements we made.

6. Promo Roundup

And now’s where we get to the part of this month’s newsletter where you get a chance to improve your domain name portfolio by taking advantage of any of the fine selection of TLD promos we’ve lassoed up for you this month.

Ongoing promotions:

We’ll be back again to round up some promos next month too, but in the meantime, you can catch them out there on the range on the Promos page of the new Gandi News site.

Upgrading is a process that never ends, of course, even when the major upgrades are complete. This year has been all about upgrades, really, but as we outlined above, this month in particular has brought us some of the more striking and exciting changes.

That’s all we have for now, but check in again next month for the latest improvements, updates, and upgrades.

In the meantime, you can reach us at feedback@gandi.net, on Twitter @gandibar or in the #gandi channel on Freenode. \o/



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