Updates and releases

Newsletter August 2016

1. Recently-delegated TLDs 2. Gandi Events: Peru (virtually)
3. In-depth: What’s a premium domain and checking on new TLDs 4. Visualizations: Domain lifecycle, domain uses and transfer quest
5. Tech Fundamentals: Cryptography and IANA
6. TLD release calendar 7. Promo roundup

We know that August, being at that sweet spot in the business cycle, the scholastic calendar, and the seasonal pattern is often a slower month for some and that many opt to take a break and head to the beach, the woods, or the lake (or all three?).

So this month, we’re taking a look back at some of the information we’ve shared in 2016, with a view toward more news to come (no spoilers, though).

We’ll be looking back at two pertinent in-depth topics we covered this year: What’s a premium domain and Checking in on new TLDs.

This year we started a series of visualizations. We’ll look back at three of them: domain lifecycle, how to choose hosting, and Transfer Quest.

And we also delved into some internet history this year with two Tech Fundamentals on IANA and on Public-key cryptography.

But first: we’ll look at recently-delegated TLDs over the past month, and check in on recent events we’ve been involved in.

Rounding things off this month as always, we’ll look at the new TLD release calendar and check out August promos in our Promo Roundup.

Recently-Delegated TLDs

This month there were just three truly generic TLDs delegated to the root by ICANN and close to a hundred Brand TLDs. So we took the opportunity to look at those Brand TLDs.

Read about the Brand TLDs and more | Back to top

Gandi Events

Through the magic of the interwebs (and some help from shipping services), Gandi is popping up in Peru this month.

Earlier this month, we gave a virtual presentation to an audience at UbuConLA (i.e. Ubuntu Conference Latin America)  where we talked about the new extensions, ccTLDs, new gTLDs including .tv, .guru and .ninja through a video conference to interested attendees.

While we would have liked to have gone out for beers (or Pisco Sours?) with our Latin American fans ourselves, we’re happy to have been able to participate at least remotely.

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In-depth: What’s a premium domain and Checking in on new TLDs

We’ve covered a number of topics in depth so far this year, but we wanted to highlight two for your summer reading needs. First, this spring we gave a run-down on Premium domains.

Next, it was only at the beginning of the summer we checked in on the new gTLD program, but we’re looking back at them again this month while the information is still fresh. It’s a landmark program and we’re only at the halfway point.

Read about Premium domains | Check in on the nTLD program | Back to top

Visualizations: Domain lifecycle, Choosing hosting and Transfer Quest

Some concepts are better explained with visuals. That’s why we started a series of visualizations focusing on our areas of expertise.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Here’s the equivalent of three thousand, then:

The Lifecycle of a Domain:

.com and .net lifecycle

How to choose a hosting option

Find the option that meets your technical knowledge and the level of control you need

Transfer Quest

Domain name transfer procedure

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Tech fundamentals: IANA and Public-key cryptography

With our Tech fundamentals series, we’ve been getting back to basics and seeing the stories of the people who built those basics. In March, we remembered IANA nd in May, we traced the history of public-key cryptography.

If you’ve liked our two entries so far in this series, also check out the series of talks we put on this year with our friends at CloudFlare, we called the Root Zone.

Remember IANA | Trace the history of public-key cryptography | Back to top

TLD release Calendar

And now here’s a look at TLD releases at Gandi for the month of August 2016:

Thursday August 18:

.blog (Sunrise)

Tuesday August 30:

.닷컴 Korean for .com, punycode .xn--mk1bu44c (GoLive)

.닷넷 Korean for .net, punycode .xn--t60b56a (GoLive)

August 2016
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18
19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
.닷컴 & .닷넷

Stay tuned for updates and, of course, for next month’s releases.

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Promo Roundup

There are plenty of opportunities this month to plant the seeds to be reaped later by taking advantage of new and ongoing promos:

Don’t miss these promos ending in August:

.je, .gg 50%-off new creations, 25%-off renewals until August 28

 .cat $5.00 per year through August 31

.online, .tech $1.50 until August 31

.college, .rent $9.00 until August 31

Ongoing promotions:

.stream $2.00 per year in GoLive

.me $14.40 through December 31

.accountant, .bid, .cricket, .date, .download, .faith, .loan, .party, .racing, .review, .science, .trade, .webcam, .win $2.00 per year through December 31

.live, .studio, .video 50% off through December 31

.online, .press, .website, .site, .host, .space, .pw, .tech on promo through December 31

.tech, .online, .site renewals 50% off through December 31

 .xyz $3.99 per year through December 31

.black, .blue, .pink, .red, .lgbt, .kim, .shiksha, .poker, .pro, .info, .mobi, .移动 50% off until December 31 (previously June 30)

.gdn $1.50 until until December 31

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That about wraps up our review of featured articles so far this year. Of course, not only have we been working on content to share with you each month, but also on our products and services. Stay tuned, we have exciting projects in the works.

Maybe we missed something, though? Let us know.: tweet us @gandibar, email us at feedback@gandi.net, on Facebook, or contact us on the #gandi channel on Freenode. \o/



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