The Gandi Community

FR-SD2 datacenter: migration completed

You have no doubt noticed over the course of the last couple of weeks an unusual number of disruptions on your hosting service related to a data center migration which should be completed in the next few days.

This migration, which required the full efforts of our hosting and operations teams for more than half of 2017, was a real technical challenge: moving tens of thousands of Cloud servers and Simple Hosting instances from our previous data center, FR-SD2, to three new ones: FR-SD3, FR-SD5, and FR-SD6.

This migration process subjected some of you to slower performances than normal, even some down time, as we dealt with some of the unexpected technical problems that arose. These in turn required us to revise our roadmap and the influx of subsequent tickets to our Customer care team resulted in delayed responses to support requests which prevented us from getting back to many of you within the expected time frame. The resulting frustration on your part is real and we admit and apologize for any inconvenience.

Despite all this, this migration was necessary to evolve our platform and improve performances in order to meet your own evolving needs. Thanks to this infrastructure upgrade, we can now offer more languages and simplify language version upgrades on Simple Hosting and offer greater flexibility in the configuration of Simple Hosting instances which was not possible on the now-obsolete FR-SD2 infrastructure.

We also expect to introduce more upgrades in the coming months that will allow you to continue to use our simple, secure, and high-quality service to host personal and professional projects.

We’ve listed below a list of articles and announcements related to this migration that we would invite you to (re)read so you can be sure not to have missed any of the expected impacts on your hosting service.

We’ll also be publishing in the next few days a summary of the different phases of migration with detailed descriptions of the technical problems found on our site.

In any case, our hosting support of course is available to help answer any of your questions.



Datacenter migration announcements