Choose Cozy Cloud, your data’s online protector
Install Cozy on a Gandi Simple Hosting instance and start using this open source, personal cloud for free up to 50 GB and take control of your data.
Install Cozy on a Gandi Simple Hosting instance and start using this open source, personal cloud for free up to 50 GB and take control of your data.
Gandi supports the Django Girls Paris organization in order to support the development of women in tech.
For New Year’s 2020, we suggest making a resolution to take care of your data.
Defining and comparing three models of cloud computing
We’ve updated the SOGo webmail service to 4.0.7, which along with it means new features and upgrades!
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will require some changes with the Whois.
We are happy to announce that our new data center in Paris, FR-SD3, is now in production.