Price increase on .io domain names starting January 1, 2022
Register or renew your .io domain name efore December 31!
Register or renew your .io domain name efore December 31!
The DPML blocking products have extended their coverage to 29 new domain endings, triggering a price increase on January 10, 2022.
Until December 31 at 2:59 PM Pacific, you can register a .io domain for only $32.18!
The .io registry has notified that the registration price for .io domain names will be increasing starting January 1, 2021
Register, transfer, or renew for the maximum possible period now to take advantage of current rates.
As of November 28, 2017, the owner name (first and last name or organization name) will be displayed in addition to all other data previously available.
The end-of-life and whois policies have changed for .io domains, following the migration of this TLD to a new registry June 10.
From November 10 until December 10, no need to choose between two of the coolest tech toys in TLDs, .io and .tech.
This month we are offering the .IO extension at cost for each new creation